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Best Ways To Help Keep Your Teeth Pearly White

If you’re like most people, you want to have a sparkling smile with pearly white teeth. It’s not always easy to keep them that way, but it is definitely worth the effort. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to help keep your teeth looking their best. We’ll cover topics like what things you should avoid if you want to maintain your pearly whites and how often you should be visiting the dentist for a cleaning and check-up.

Avoid Drinks and Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth

If you want to keep your teeth looking their best, it’s important to avoid drinks and foods that can stain them. This includes things like coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-coloured fruits and vegetables. While it’s okay to enjoy these things in moderation, it’s best to brush your teeth afterwards or at least rinse your mouth out with water to remove any residue.

In addition to avoiding staining foods and drinks, you should also avoid sugary snacks and drinks as much as possible. Sugar can cause cavities, which can lead to further tooth decay and discoloration. If you do indulge in sugary treats, be sure to brush your teeth afterwards or rinse your mouth out with water.

Maintain A Healthy Dental Hygiene Routine

Of course, one of the best ways to keep your teeth looking their best is to maintain a healthy dental hygiene routine. This means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and using mouthwash.

Use a Whitening Toothpaste Recommended By Your Family Dentist

If you want to help keep your teeth looking their best, you should also use a whitening toothpaste that’s recommended by your family dentist. This type of toothpaste can help remove any unwanted stains and discoloration. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package so that you don’t damage your teeth in the process.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly For Cleanings and Check-ups

Additionally, to maintain a good dental hygiene routine at home, it’s also important to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. Depending on your individual needs, you may need to go every three to six months. During these visits, your dentist will be able to remove any built-up plaque and tartar from your teeth and help keep them looking their best.

Stop or Avoid Smoking

Smoking cigarettes should also be avoided if you want to keep your teeth looking their best. Cigarette smoking can cause a number of dental problems, including staining, tooth decay, and gum disease. If you do smoke cigarettes, be sure to brush your teeth afterwards or at least rinse your mouth out with water to remove any residue.

Use a Straw For Certain Drinks

If you’re worried about staining your teeth, you can also use a straw for certain drinks. This includes things like coffee, tea, and red wine. By using a straw, you can help keep the drink from coming into contact with your teeth and causing any unwanted stains.

Eat Foods That Can Help Whiten Your Teeth

There are also certain foods that you can eat that can help whiten your teeth. This includes things like apples, celery, and carrots. Stains and discoloration on your teeth can be removed with the help of these foods. So, be sure to include them in your diet if you want to keep your pearly whites looking their best.

Use a Professional Teeth Whitening Service From Your Family Dentist

If you’re looking for a more dramatic way to whiten your teeth, you can also use a professional teeth whitening service from your family dentist. This type of treatment can help remove any deep-set stains and discoloration. Be sure to ask your dentist about this option if you’re interested in getting your teeth professionally whitened.


As you can see, there are a number of things that you can do to help keep your teeth looking their best. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pearly whites stay shining bright for years to come. So, what are you waiting for? Start taking care of your teeth today!

If you need a dentist appointment for a teeth cleaning or whitening, contact Dr. Elston Wong Dentistry. Our team of experienced dentists can help you achieve and maintain the perfect smile. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

Dr. Elston Wong Portrait

About Dr. Elston Wong

Dr. Elston Wong completed his dental degree at The University of Toronto in 1999 before arriving in Barrie in 2002. After graduating, he continued to learn everything he could about dentistry. Now he has taken the time to share important information for anyone to read.

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